Title-registration service providers

The following third-party​ agencies and businesses provide title transfers, and/or plate renewal services for walk-in customers.

  • Title transfers and/or plate renewal services
    • ​See chart for allowable plate types
      • You will receive plates and stickers for title transfer transactions for most vehicle types when applying for a new plate
      • The title will be mailed separately to you from WisDOT
  • Title only transfers are not allowed
  • These agents may charge a maximum service fee of $10.00 for a plate renewal transaction and $19.50 for a title transaction. Some agents accept credit/debit cards or checks. Others will accept only cash and/or checks or money orders.
  • This is not a list of emission testing locations. See the Wisconsin Vehicle Inspection Program website for more information about emissions testing, including inspection facility listings.
  • Please note: ​​​third parties cannot accept non-operation statements.​

Note: 30-Day temporary plates for non-Wisconsin residents can only be issued by a WI ​dealer as part of a WI dealer sale. If a temporary plate is needed for a non-Wisconsin resident: Mail in a copy of the front and back of the title along with a ​MV2505 Temporary License Plate Application and $3.00 fee.

Other factors may affect the hours listed. Please call the desired provider before visiting to ensure they are operating and providing the service you need.​

Emission Testing: For a plate renewal, your vehicle may be subject to an emissions test before being able to renew your plate.

If your organiz​ation would like​ to change the hours of operation listed below, complete a MV2133 - Automated Processing Partnership System (APPS) Contact Information Record, and email the form to emvpartner@dot.wi.gov.

