Bid letting information - April 09, 2019

Vendors who are approved by WisDOT to be eligible bidders or plan holders and who want to remain confidential, will not appear on the lists of eligible bidders or plan holders on the HCCI website or Bid Expresstm. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that they have been approved as an eligible bidder before submitting a bid.

Vendors who choose to be confidential are still contractually obligated, as all eligible bidders are, that by submission of the bid, the bidder contractually commits to all applicable laws, regulations and procedures, including any coordination with subcontractors and DBE community.

Pre-bid information

Questions and Answers

  • Submitted questions and answers
  • Proposal 017:  Questions have been asked about the potential for the public to raise additional questions about the project.  We do not anticipate delays at the start of construction.  The statute of limitations for filing claims under 23 U.S.C.139(l)(1) for judicial review of FHWA’s action granting approval for this project has expired. No claims have been received. 

Addenda (-soi requires updated schedule of items from Bid Expresstm)
