Bid letting information - August 08, 2023

Advertisement|Plans-Proposals|Addenda |Supplemental Info |Bidder Info |DebarApparent BidsAwards


Vendors who are approved by WisDOT to be eligible bidders or plan holders and who want to remain confidential, will not appear on the lists of eligible bidders or plan holders on the HCCI website or Bid Expresstm. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that they have been approved as an eligible bidder before submitting a bid.

Vendors who choose to be confidential are still contractually obligated, as all eligible bidders are, that by submission of the bid, the bidder contractually commits to all applicable laws, regulations and procedures, including any coordination with subcontractors and DBE community.

**Confidential Pilot**

WisDOT will be conducting a pilot project to determine the impact of confidential bidding.  The ten proposals selected will be LET from January through May.  Eligible Bidders and Plan Holders for these proposals will not be published.  Bidders will still need to submit a request to bid (DT1633) to be approved to bid on the proposals in the Confidential Pilot.


  • Advertisement
    • Proposal 005
      • Non-Mandatory pre-bid meeting
        • ​Monday, July 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM via Microsoft Teams.  ​Meeting access information is provided in the proposal.
  • Schedule of Items (bid items). This spreadsheet replaces the quantities that are displayed in the original advertisement.  This will be available going forward with the new advertisement format.
  • Counter sheet - Work Rating Descriptions
Plans and Proposals

  • Proposal status (report listing the status of each proposal in this letting)
20230808001 20230808002 20230808003 20230808004 20230808005 20230808006
20230808007 20230808008 20230808009 20230808010 20230808011 20230808012

Addenda (-soi requires updated schedule of items from Bid Expresstm) Supplemental Information
    • Contractor Data Packets
        • The contractor data packet consists of digital files prepared for state trunk highway let projects with a geospatially accurate reference alignment. The packet contains survey information and existing & proposed design files based on the project type. The data in the Contractor Data Packet is only provided for the contractor’s general knowledge and is not a part of the construction project contract. The department assumes no responsibility for discrepancies between the data provided and the contract documents
        • A survey is also available to offer contractors the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the electronic design data provided for the construction project.
      • Questions and Answers
      Bidder Information Debarred, suspended and ineligible contractors
      Apparent Bids
      • All bids received (project bid information is posted for all bidders, after the project has been awarded)​