Tools and guidance to assist in the environmental documentation of the agricultural impact of a proposed project.
Legal requirements
FDM references
- FDM 5-5-5 Coordination with United State Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- FDM 5-10-30 Coordination with DATCP
- FDM 20-45-35 Agricultural impact statement (agricultural impact notice, processing, acquisition of interests where detailed information is not required, how to transmit notifications)
- FDM 20-45-40 Natural resources conservation service farmland conversion impact rating (forms NRCS-CPA- -106, and AD-1006)
- FDM 24-10-15 Agricultural lands (land suitable for cultivation and other uses)
Forms and templates
- See
Forms and tools page for factor sheets and guidance
- NRCS CPA 106 Farmland conversion impact rating for corridor type projects 11-14-2022
- NRCS AD 1006 Farmland conversion impact rating worksheet (used for proposals that acquire blocks of land such as 10 acres) 11-14-2022
Guidance and resources
The federal
Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) is concerned with soil; the state agricultural impact statement (AIS) statute is focused on economic units called farm operations.
The FPPA requires the completion of a farmland conversion impact rating form (either NRCS CPA 106 or NRCS AD 1006) for all federal-aid projects that acquire any kind of land outside the corporate limits of a municipality. Links to these forms can be found under the Forms and templates header, above. The farmland conversion impact rating form is completed by the project manager and most commonly results in a score of less than 60 points in part VI. If the score in part VI is 60 or more points, then the project manager must complete parts I and III of the form and send it to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service) for their input into parts II, IV and V.
The state AIS statute requires WisDOT to provide DATCP with pertinent information whenever a project proposes to acquire land from a farm operation through the actual or potential use of the powers of eminent domain. The determination of whether to prepare an AIS, and the actual AIS preparation is the responsibility of DATCP.
FHWA information
Agricultural land
FAQs - for FPPA form NRCS CPA-106
Q. Does land zoned for urban uses or land within the corporate limits of a community qualify as farmland?
A. No, the U.S. Department of Agriculture revised its
interpretation of the FPPA implementing regulations and exempted such lands from the requirements.
Q. When is form NRCS CPA-106 completed?
A. Form AD-1006 must be completed whenever a federally-funded project is proposed outside the corporate limits of a municipality. This form is completed and attached to the ER, EA or draft EIS if the score in part VI is below 60 points. If the score is 60 or more points the form must be sent to the state soil scientist of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, formerly the Soil Conservation Service) so they may complete their portion. When the form is returned from the NCRS it should be attached to the ER, EA, or draft EIS.
Q. What is done with it when it is completed?
A. When the score in part VI is below 60 points the process is complete and the form is attached to the ER, EA, or draft EIS. Scores of 60 or more points must be sent to the NCRS for their review and scoring. When returned from the NCRS, you must complete the remaining parts and total the score. If the total score is over 160 points, it indicates that additional alternatives should be considered that have a lesser score, or that efforts may need to be expended to lessen the projects effects on farmland.
Agriculture impact statements (AIS)
Q. Who prepares an AIS and when?
A. The agriculture impact statement (AIS) is prepared by DATCP from information supplied by the project developer. Farms within the corporate limits of a municipality must be reported. An AIS must be prepared whenever any urban or rural project would acquire five or more acres from a farm operation.
Note: Projects developed under Chapter 82 Wis. Stats. town highways are exempted from the AIS requirement and projects located entirely within the boundaries of a city or village.
An AIS may be prepared when between one and five acres are acquired from a farm operation. An AIS is rarely prepared if all acquisitions from farm operations are less than one acre and do not acquire elements of the farm operation that are needed for its function (barns, homes, outbuildings, wells, etc.)
The AIS is normally prepared by DATCP by the time an ER, EA or draft EIS is approved. Under certain circumstances, and in consultation with DATCP and Bureau of Technical Services (BTS), an AIS may be prepared before the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or final EIS is approved.
Q. What happens if an AIS is not ready?
A. If the AIS is expected, but not completed by the time the environmental document is ready for approval, the regional environmental coordinator should be contacted. They will contact DATCP and BTS and work to resolve any issues. It is important to note that real estate negotiations with farm operations covered in an AIS cannot begin, by statute, until the AIS is completed.
Data and data sources
NRCS for extensive information including soil surveys