State of Wisconsin
Wis. Adm. Code Ch. NR 40: Wisconsin's Invasive Species Rule
State-listed Noxious Weeds (USDA)
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA, FWS)
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (FWS)
FDM Ch. 5 Agency Coordination
FDM Ch. 24 Land and Water Resource Impacts
See the forms and tools page for factor sheets and guidance
Migratory Bird Treaty Act compliance Guidance3-1-2021
Migratory Bird Treaty Act Brochure3/1/2021
FWS Migratory Bird depredation permit 6-21-21
USDA Guidance on Migratory Bird depredation permits
FWS Eagle Act - Do I need a permit?
FHWA Environmental Toolkit: Water, Wetlands and Wildlife
Wisconsin State Herbarium
WDNR Invasive Species
WDNR Wisconsin's Natural communities
WDNR Wisconsin Wildlife and Habitat
Be aware of wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) during the field season. Exposure to wild parsnip can result in severe rashes, blisters and skin discoloration. For more information, refer to the WDNR's wild parsnip website.