Environmental coordination for state right of way permits

​​Any work on state ​highway right-of-way may require environmental coordination in the form of obtaining permits from other regulatory agencies or providing proof to WisDOT that those permits are not required. The following information has been provided as a guide:

  1. Construction Site Stormwater Permits
  2. Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Plans
  3. Waterway & Wetland Permits: Wetland Disturbance
  4. Surface Water Data Viewer (Wetland/Waterways Maps)
  5. USDA Web Soil Survey
  6. Wisconsin Endangered and Threatened Species Permits
  7. Preservation of Wisconsin Archaeological Sites​​
  8. Wisconsin Historic Preservation Database
  9. Tribal Government Contacts
  10. Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Contacts
  11. National Heritage Inventory Public Portal
  12. Wisconsin DNR Utility Permit Website
  13. IpaC: Home (Information for Planning and Consultation – U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
  14. DNR Bureau of Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS)​

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee information

Rusty patched bumblebee
Photo Credit: Dan Mullen - Creative Commons

The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is listed as endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act. This may require your company to conduct additional environmental coordination with the Wisconsin Department ​of Natural Resources (WDNR) and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), or obtain additional environmental permits pertaining to this species. Conservation measures may be recommended for activities within the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee's high potential zones. For additional information, click on the resource links below:

Northen Long-eared Bat
Photo Credit: USFWS

Northern​​ long-eared bat ​information​

​​On March 31, 2023, ​the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) ​reclassified the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) to endangered ​under the Federal Endangered Species Act. The NLEB's threatened 4(d) rule and associated consistency determinations and consultation ​​were also nullified on that date. This may require your company to conduct additional coordination with USFWS and/or the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) or obtain additional enviro​nmental permits pertaining to this species. Tree clearing restrictions may be required during the NLEB's active season (April 1 – October 31). For additional information, click on the resource links below:

​​​Associated Wisconsin law

Visit the links below for Wisconsin law associated with utilities and permitting on state right of way.