WIS 153, Stainless Avenue to WIS 107, Marathon County


WIS 153, Stainless Avenue to WIS 107, Marathon County

Project Overview

The project consists of resurfacing the asphalt pavement, concrete joint and crack repair (west of Jasper Avenue to WIS 97) and updating curb ramps to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Approximately 16 curb ramps on WIS 153 in the village of Stratford would be upgraded. A sidewalk extension between Legion Street and 4th Avenue to improve pedestrian circulation within the village of Stratford is also planned with this project. The paved shoulder will be widened from 3 feet to 5 feet between 4th Avenue and Karen Lane to improve bike and pedestrian accommodations. Select culverts will be replaced at approximately 17 locations. Existing guardrail will be replaced at approximately 20 locations. The project also consists of adding centerline rumble strips and new pavement markings.

Traffic Impacts

WIS 153 will remain open to traffic during construction with flagging except for a short-term detour will be implemented during culvert replacements (estimate 2 to 3 weeks). The detour route will be determined during the design process. Local and emergency access will be maintained to adjacent properties. Pedestrian traffic will be staged in the village of Stratford. The project is anticipated to take three to four months to construct.

Real Estate

Minor right of way and temporary easements are anticipated for curb ramp replacements. The need for any additional real estate impacts will be determined during the design process.


  • Local officials meeting: Oct. 25, 2023
  • Public involvement: Nov. 15 to Dec. 15, 2023
  • Final plans: Feb. 1, 2026
  • Construction is currently scheduled for 2026

Public Involvement

A public involvement period is being held. Please review the materials below and submit any comments by Dec. 15, 2023:


Wendy Arneson​, Project​ Manager​
Phone: (715) 421-7391
Email: wendy.arneson​​@dot.wi.gov

Rhinelander Office​
510 N. Hanson Lake Rd.
Rhinelander, WI 54501
(715) 365-3490
WI Telecommunications Relay System (TTY): 711
Fax: (715) 365-5780

Wisconsin Rapids Office
1681 2nd Ave. S.
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
(715) 421-8302
WI Telecommunications Relay System (TTY): 711
Fax: (715) 423-0334