Rollover seatbelt convincer

The Rollover Seatbelt Convincer program is a presentation on the importance of safety belt usage.

The Convincer is a Ford Ranger cab mounted on a trailer, which is designed to simulate falling out of a vehicle during a crash.

When the crash dummy is buckled up, and no matter how much the cab rolls, the dummy stays safely in place. Those watching can see the difference between belted and unbelted occupants.

The Rollover Convincer Coordinator also teaches the importance of not distracting the driver, as well as other proper behavior in the car.

Each person who participates in the program will receive handouts such as maps, coloring books, stickers, and informational brochures.

The rollover seatbelt convincer program is offered to all interested personnel as scheduling permits.

rollover seatbelt convincer rollover seatbelt convincer down rollover seatbelt convincer

To bring the rollover seatbelt convincer program to your area, contact:

Michael Schwendau

For more information: