Recognize key indicators of human trafficking to help identify victims and save a life. A person who has been trafficked may:
- Appear to be coached on what to say
- Appear fearful, timid or submissive
- Presence of unreasonable security measures
- Show signs that their movement is controlled
- Have bruises in various stages of healing
- Work excessively long hours over long periods
- Have no access to their earnings
- Think that they are bonded by debt
- Live in unstable or unsuitable conditions
- Lack personal possessions
- Dressed inappropriately for the weather
Signs to watch for among vulnerable youth
- Has a child stopped attending school?
- Is a juvenile engaged in commercial sex acts?
- Has the person had a sudden or dramatic change in behavior?
Not all indicators listed above are present in every human trafficking situation, and the presence or absence of any of the indicators are not necessarily proof of human trafficking.