Any Wisconsin resident may apply for Cure Childhood Cancer license plates. The plate fees include an issuance fee of $15 plus an annual $25 tax-deductible donation in addition to the regular registration fee. The donation goes to the
MACC Fund (Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer, Inc.), which is dedicated to funding childhood cancer and related blood disorder research.
Vehicles that qualify
- automobiles
- motor homes (annual registration only)
- motor trucks
- 4,500, 6,000 or 8,000 pounds gross weight, including dual purpose farm and dual purpose vehicle
- 12,000 pounds gross weight farm truck
Things you should know
- $25 annual donation. The donation may be deductible if you itemize your income tax returns.
- $15 issuance fee or an annual $15 personalized plate fee, if requested.
- The regular registration fee for your vehicle if your current plates expire within three months or you have no plates.
- At each plate renewal, you will pay the $25 donation and the regular registration fee for non-personalized Cure Childhood Cancer plates
For more information, visit
personalized and special plates FAQs.
How to apply
DMV Service Centers do not issue Special or Personalized License Plates. You must mail in your application.
To apply for Cure Childhood Cancer license plates by mail, please send the following items:
- If the vehicle you wish to register with Cure Childhood Cancer license plates is already titled in your name, send:
- A copy of your Certificate of Registration or show the complete vehicle description on the
MV2990 Cure Childhood Cancer License Plate Information and Application
- $25 Cure Childhood Cancer donation
- $15 issuance fee or $15 personalized plate fee
- The annual registration fee if the current plates expire within the next three months or you have no plates
- If the vehicle is
not titled in your name, send:
- A completed Wisconsin Title & License Plate Application MV1, or MV11 for dealer sales, including all fees
- A completed
MV2990 Cure Childhood Cancer License Plates Information and Application
- The Certificate of Title assigned to you by the seller
- $25 Cure Childhood Cancer donation
- $15 issuance fee or $15 personalized plate fee
- The annual registration fee if you do not have plates or your current plates expire within the next three months
- Make the check or money order payable to: Registration Fee Trust.
- Mail with payment to:
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Special Plates Unit
P.O. Box 7911
Madison WI 53707-7911
Personalized license plates
Personalizing your Cure Childhood Cancer license plates is optional. A $15 personalized plate fee is required each year in addition to the $25 donation and regular annual registration fee. On the
MV2990 Cure Childhood Cancer License Plates Information and Application, check which option you would like us to follow if your request is not available. Please allow an additional 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Visit Personalized plate search to find out if your choice for a personalized license plate is available. WisDOT may refuse to issue, or may recall after issuance, a request that may be offensive to good taste or decency, misleading or conflicts with any other license plate. For more information, visit
personalized and special plates FAQs.