Pedestrian projects and studies

​Studies and guides

Complete Streets

Complete Streets are roadways designed and operated to enable safe, convenient, and comfortable access and travel for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and public transport users of all ages and abilities are able to safely and comfortably move along and across a complete street.

Wisconsin Guide to Pedestrian Best Practices

The Wisconsin Guide to Pedestrian Best Practices provides detailed design, planning and program information for improving all aspects of the pedestrian environment.

Numerous national and state pedestrian facilities design guides and manuals were reviewed and incorporated into this guide, especially into the Facilities Design chapter. The Guide for the Development of Pedestrian Facilities published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) from the Federal Highway Administration, the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) from the U.S. Access Board, and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Facility Development Manual (FDM) were significant sources for technical and regulatory requirements. Chapter 5: Designing Pedestrian Facilities, is intended to bring these and several other standard references of professional practice together to apply to Wisconsin’s experience.

The guide serves as a companion document to the Wisconsin Pedestrian Policy Plan 2020 to assist in the implementation of the goals, objectives and actions of the plan and serve as a reference or guidebook for state and local officials.

​Only four of the chapters have been completed. WisDOT hopes to develop content for the remaining chapters.

Accommodating people with disabilities on pedestrian facilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act and other state and federal legislation requires pedestrian facilities be built to allow the safe and convenient passage of people with a variety of disabilities.
