WIS 171 Box Culvert replacement

Project location | Project overview | Schedule | Traffic impacts/detours | Status/phase | Contact information

Project location

WIS 171 Box Culvert replacement, near Mt. Sterling - Crawford County

Project overview

The project is located on WIS 171 in the Town of Utica approximately 1.0 miles east of Copper Creek Road and 1.1 miles west of the WIS 27/WIS 171 intersection in Mt. Sterling. The project is needed to rectify a structurally deficient structure, due to the existing age and deterioration of the structure. The existing 10’ x 10’ x 59’ long box culvert structure over the North Branch Copper Creek has wide cracking, heavy leaching, and exposed aggregate on the box floor.

Proposed work:

  • Replacing the box culvert with a new 13’ x 8’ x 64' long box culvert
  • Reconstructing approximately 500 feet of roadway pavement structure over the culvert


  • 2025 - Construction anticipated with potential to be advanced to 2023
  • May 2020 - Public involvement letters were sent out

Traffic impacts/detours

WIS 171 will be closed to traffic during construction. Posted detour will follow this route:

  • North from Mt. Sterling on WIS 27 to Fargo, and west on WIS 82 to De Soto where it will meet WIS 35



Contact information

John Bainter, P.E.
WisDOT Project Manager
(608) 785-9729

Michael Bie
WisDOT Southwest Region Communications Manager
(608) 246-7928

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Southwest Region, La Crosse Office
3550 Mormon Coulee Road
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 785-9022
Fax: (608) 785-9969
TTY: 711
Email: swr.dtsd@dot.wi.gov