Bicycle Safety Action Guide: to help your community improve bike safety. Includes information on the extent of the bicycle injury problem, crash causes, special safety problems, coordinated community strategies, safety courses, helmet promotion, strategies for engineering/planning, enforcement, emergency response, and evaluation.
A variety of bicycle safety brochures and other materials are available through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), including:
- BikeCare Bicycle Inspection and Maintenance
- Bicycle Safety - What Every Parent Should Know
- Street Smarts in the '90s - Roadsharing
- Children and Traffic - Keeping Kids out of the Fast Lane
- Police Improving Bike Safety Through Road Hazard Identification
Call (800) 455-7665 to receive a WisDOT publications request form, or download the
Safety materials request form.
Wisconsin Department of Tourism publishes the
Wisconsin Biking Guide with on-road and mountain bike tours, and touring trails-all picked with safety in mind.
Dane County Bicycle Association provides grants (about $10,000 each year) to bike clubs and other organizations for projects that promote safety and the wider use of bicycles. Contact Susan Kavulich, (608) 831-2643.
Dean Medical Center's Crash Helmet program uses a comical character, Crash Helmet, for presentations to children, to help them understand the importance of bike helmets for preventing head injuries and saving lives.
Guide to Promoting Moderate Physical Activity, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), (800) CDC-4NRG (232-4674).
Physical Activity and Health; A Report of the Surgeon General (CDC) For sale by Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.
The CDC also hosts the
National Bicycle Safety Network site, with lots of links and bike safety information.
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides a variety of bike safety resources.
The Federal Highway Administration provides information on their
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program webpage. You can also order bicycle and pedestrian reports from FHWA through their
order form.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center - This site is funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and maintained by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center within the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center.
Surface Transportation Policy Project supports transportation policies and investments that make communities more livable.
Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin (BFW) is a state-wide advocacy organization that fosters bicycling as a healthful and environmentally sustainable means of transportation and recreation. BFW provides bicyclists with information on recreational rides, safety tips and commuting skills, and educates bicyclists about transportation issues.
Related information: