US 51 (Stoughton Road) South Study

Study location | Study overview | Adjacent projects | Schedule | Status | Comments and updates | Contact information

​​​​Stu​​dy location

The US 51 (Stoughton Road) South Study begins at Voges Road in McFarland just south of US 12/18 and continues north to the WIS 30 interchange in Madison.

Study ov​erview

  • The South Study will assess how best to accommodate traffic volumes with a focus on safety and access, with consideration or incorporation of the goals for the corridor outlined in the city of Madison’s Stoughton Road Revitalization Plan​.
  • Development is prevalent along this portion of Stoughton Road. Existing land uses include commercial, commercial/industrial mixed use, and low-density residential.

WisDOT recently held a Public Involvement​ Meeting (PIM) for the US 51 (Stoughton Road) South corridor study on July 20 to discuss and gather feedback on issues along the corridor and draft purpose and need. Please visit the Public Involvement page​ to view the presentation and other meeting materials.​


​WisDOT anticipates the second PIM for the US 51 (Stoughton Road) South Study to be held in Spring 2024.

Adjace​nt projects



  • Identify corridor needs
  • Develop alternative concepts
  • Develop and finalize range of alternatives to address corridor needs
  • Summer - public involvement meeting anticipated


  • ​Ongoing public involvement activities
  • Finalize alternatives and select preferred alternative
  • Complete environmental study


Planning/environmental study with no scheduled construction activity.

Comme​nts and updates

WisDOT welcomes comments and suggestions related to this study.

  • Comment online via the following link: Comment now​
  • Share comments at Public Involvement Meetings and other meetings
  • Send comments via email to staff - listed below

WisDOT will announce public involvement opportunities and study updates through a variety of communication channels including social media, news releases and mailings.

​Thank you for your interest in and assistance with this important study.

Contact info​​​rmation

Jeff Berens, P.E.
WisDOT Project Manager
(608) 245-2656​

Michael Bie
WisDOT Southwest Region Communications Manager
(608) 246-7928