Bid letting information - February 12, 2019

​Vendors who are approved by WisDOT to be eligible bidders or plan holders and who want to remain confidential, will not appear on the lists of eligible bidders or plan holders on the HCCI website or Bid Expresstm. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that they have been approved as an eligible bidder before submitting a bid.

Vendors who choose to be confidential are still contractually obligated, as all eligible bidders are, that by submission of the bid, the bidder contractually commits to all applicable laws, regulations and procedures, including any coordination with subcontractors and DBE community.

Pre-bid information

  • Advertisement
    • Proposal 025: Pre-Bid Requirements for Native American Hiring, see the ​special provisions, within the online proposal, for more information.
  • Counter sheet
  • Plans and Proposals (link directly to the ftp site to view plans and proposals for this letting)
    • Proposal 005: 20190212005proposal.pdf has been replaced with the correct special provisions as of 10:30 am, January 8, 2019.
    • Proposal 003: 20190212003plan.pdf has been replaced with legible Estimate of Quantities Sheets at 12:55 pm, January 8, 2019. This was the only change to the plan.
    • Proposal 019: Workclass updated to correct class “AFK" (January 24, 2019)
  • Proposal status (report listing the status of each proposal in this letting)
  • Request to be an eligible bidder or plan holder (opens online proposal request application)

Questions and Answers

Addenda (-soi requires updated schedule of items from Bid Expresstm)
